
Τraining school organized by our INTOMED partner in Tunisia

Τraining school organized by our INTOMED partner in Tunisia

2020 Summer School CNSTN, Sidi Thabet Biotechpôle, Tunisia The QPCR applications for insect pests control Summer School 2020 is a two days programme for outstanding and enthusiastic PhD students, as well as young post-docs, who have a question involving QPCR analyses in their project and want to acquire excellent training in this field. The summer school is supported by INOMED. This training is a comprehensive overview of a key technique in molecular biology which is the QPCR and its applications for the control of insect pests. The training covers the technique of DNA extraction from insects; gel electrophoresis, to analyze the DNA profile; amplification of specific fragments of DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique; performance of  QPCR assay for absolute and relative quantification and visualization ofobtained data obtained. School consists of lectures and practical exercises in laboratories. The Summer School will bring together 10 participants from different institutions and offer...
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Our website is up!

Our website is up!

We are proud to announce the launch of the newly INTOMED website at The new site features a modern design, improved functionality, and easy access to essential information for the Intomed project, like project information, papers, news about the project etc.
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