INTOMED Symposium 2
Sustainable Agriculture
December 2, 2022
09:00 – 17:00
Diputación de Castellón – Plaza de las Aulas, nº 7 Castellón de la Plana
On the second of December, we welcome a new symposium organized by the INTOMED-DISPCAS consortium. The goal of our consortium is to find innovative tools to combat pests and diseases of tomato, olive and citrus trees. After two years of collaboration and science, the time to transfer our findings arrived. In the upcoming symposium, we bring together all the actors of the scientific agriculture chain. We welcome, producers, farmers, agritech companies, policymakers and researchers. At this status of INTOMED development, we face the challenge to offer real solutions to the producers, this is why we bring together in the panel of invited speakers, scientists and four companies that are currently marketing inocula for biocontrol and biopesticides as well as cero residue products to be used in sustainable agriculture. We aim not only to show our interesting findings about the potential use of beneficial organisms to protect crops but also to facilitate to farmers chances to acquire these sorts of products. We also aim to encourage these companies to establish new lines of collaboration with INTOMED scientists to start developing commercial formulations of beneficial microbes, biopesticides and cero residue products.
You can download the full program here.
The Symposium will be conducted in Spanish and there is free registration.
For any enquiries please contact Víctor Flors at
Organisation : Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in collaboration with the Diputación de Castellón